Geothermal energy is a renewable, sustainable, inexhaustible, cheap, reliable, environmentally friendly, local and green energy source. Hot water sources are found in the fault lines of the earth, in the close vicinity of extinct or active volcanoes, or deep within the earth. The biggest advantage of geothermal resources is that there is no external dependency.

The use of Geothermal Energy, one of the most valuable renewable energy sources, instead of fossil fuels reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Reinjection must be applied to ensure the recharge of the reservoir for the continuity of the geothermal fluid. In this way, more effective protection of the reservoir will be ensured.

All activities must be carried out in accordance with ethical rules and applicable laws and regulations. Changes in production and reinjection wells in geothermal fields and the field’s responses to this cycle need to be continuously monitored and evaluated.

In the geothermal sector in Turkey, due to unconscious practices in some fields, not giving enough importance to reinjection and the fact that people without technical competence operate in these fields have caused the geothermal resource to be misinterpreted and evaluated inefficiently. The effective and efficient use of geothermal energy is a must.

Since 100% reinjection (pressing the geothermal fluid extracted from underground back into the reservoir through reinjection wells) is applied in the reservoir operation of DORA Geothermal Power Plants, there is no environmental pollution and the geothermal fluid is pressed back into the reservoir as a closed circuit without being released into the atmosphere.

2024 yılında yapılan ARGE çalışmalarıyla jeotermal akışkanın içerisinde bulunan NCG gazları önce DORA-2, daha sonra DORA-3A santrallerinde reenjeksiyon yapılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmalar sektörde yine ilkler arasındadır. DORA-1, DORA-3B ve DORA-4 santrallerinin NCG reenjeksiyon AR-GE çalışmaları ise halen devam etmektedir.

Çok kısa zamanda tüm santrallerde NCG reenjeksiyonların başarıyla tamamlanarak sıfır emisyon ile elektrik üretimine devam edilmesi planlanmaktadır.